I will now state the chronology of the evolution of the idea of Nuffnang, and give you my take of how Nuffnang was used as a publicity device and its intent and purpose in its existence, and with its intended focus which was to profit from extremely high traffic blogs.
Nuffnang was created February 2007 and main concept of the company was to allow local advertisers to advertise on local blogs. The purpose is simply to manage an advertising community and at the same time achieve its communal status as a responsible dotcommer by promising blogs with more than 20 unique visitors per day could register and be part of the supposing lucrative local advertising potential.( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuffnang). Nuffnang had a free hand in deciding what kind of bloggers they want to recruit to publish their advertisement. The problem faced by most bloggers was low daily traffics which mean they make a paltry sum regardless of brand of advertiser.
It was published that giving lower-unique-visits-per-day blogs to have a share of the pie is important for the Nuffnang. Few months later, the tail end of bloggers is still waiting for Nuffnang to fulfill her promise perceived in the campaign. Nuffnang’s purpose was to simply allow tail end bloggers to register with them so as to accomplish a certain advertising campaign hanging their logo on your blog and spread publicity and popularity of Nuffnang. Their campaign in the beginning to include tail end bloggers in their database were meant to use the tail end bloggers to advertise for them using the tail end blogs.
They were to use this device and sell tail end bloggers this apparently “win-win situation” from December 2006 on Timothy Tiah’s blog and increased awareness to the point when Nuffnang were launched and introduced to the public, people rush for to sign up for it. During a period of 3-4 months, they secured the registration of about 5 thousand bloggers and in that period they used them as an advertising medium to spread their bogus campaign. The game was never gonna be zero summed.
Celebrity bloggers were introduced, events organized, this is also the period where they begins to amass some big corp as their advertiser. The beginning of their intent served.
The campaigning to allow tail end bloggers to register with them was not for intent to allow Nuffnang’s advertisement to serve on their blogs. The spirit of spreading their brand of beaming out the logo using the method similar to what we call Multi-Level-Marketing via tail end bloggers.
As such, the situation is that celebrity bloggers were taking a big chunk of the advertising market leaving tail end of even middle end bloggers earning a paltry sum. As they progress, bloggers with fairly decent traffic begin to question. They had earned an amount not commensurate to traffics their blog is attracting. Few bucks a week to list an advertisement on blogs( few thousand unique visitors) is at best can be call a liability especially when Adsense could earn you a few bucks a day and more so in American dollar.
The nature of their concept which was to let the Nuffnang logo surges through the tail end bloggers. This was achieved as of today, 10 months later. Proof
Now their marketing concept has worked but however has elevated to a dissatisfaction situation with bloggers.
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Hey nice site!!! I would say you are doing a great job in trying to garner enuff visits and to increase your rating (and money in the future?). I guess this is similar to what xialanxue was doing last time.
But do you know that instead of killing Nuffnang at it's core, you are actually promoting and doing free publicity for Nuffnang. Not sure how long you can continue this but if Nuffnang manages to stay alive, then they can very much gain from this exposure. Compared to Nuffnang, Adverlets has gained less exposure here. So please revise your strategy dude(s)!!
I have no strategy, i am as silly as any silly man on the street.
I'm not trying to kill or unkill be it Nuffnang or Adverlets. I feel the need to bring out to public what my feelings about something and i decide to use this blog to communicate my viewpoint. Anyone is welcome to rebut or debunk my theory.
I don't know whether will this be good publicity for Nuffnang or Advertlets or Singtel or M1. I wouldn't care since i'm not their shareholder ;)
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