Friday, November 9, 2007

Ninth Quintessential Question

Operation mutation in lieu of $1 charge

Nuffnang in their eagerness to arbitrage on its bloggers, they failed to ask fundamental question of why it should not be done.

Their recklessness is visible.

They later came out with possible exclusion list of operational cost of more bloggers cashing out which is unlikely not to be included in the original business plan.

Can the list be reasonably extended to be used as an excuse as and when they want to charge you more? Do they have any plan to lower the withdrawal amount to $25? Since they already assured themselves an invention is found to profit from withdrawals, and lowered it to $50, will they not cease the idea of further profiteering? How about to even $10, so they could theoretically make $1 out of every $10. The depth can be extended ad inifinitum if not checked.

What I want to raise here is a very simple fallacy of arbitraging something by capitalizing, you simply cannot, what is apparently capitalizing does not become benefaction because you chant it long enough. Many fell to Get Rich Schemes for the same reason. In a Community setup, when you have enough reason not to arbitrage, for those who did, it simply spell dishonest. The process of desensitivisation will perpetuate like a chain reaction down the community.

What are the possible consequence? Exploding reactions from people from sufficient disregards to people who are wise and clever enough to know they qualify for another advertising campaign. When it is time for them to make other considerations, those who are not treated right, will voluntarily terminate their services, so whatever that are left would be only the celebrity bloggers, can the situation not possibly get worse from here?

I believe the implementation of the $1 will be the last straw that will once and for all change the community dynamics of the commercial, for the worse. I do not know whether Nuffnang see this coming, but some had already foreseen the costs. How can they actually not predict the whole commercial fabric being torn to shred?

The ninth quintessential question for your representative: Have Nuffnang understood the possible community abnormalities and costs due to the implementation of $1 fees to it’s loyal bloggers?

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Anonymous said...

I am disappointed that till date there is no official reply from nuffnang. I am leaving the stupid network as the only thing that is keeping others from doing so is because of the money that it neither meeting the minimum or too little to withdrawn.

Since nuffnang is not interested in clarifying despite such a outcry there is no point to support them at all. These guys are only interested to appear when the money is rolling but hide under the bed when problem arises. What jerks.

Now like many other supporters we are feeling so stupid to have been so supportive when it first started only to be leave high and dry with no clear and proper explanation. Sucks.

Calvin Mad said...

They have commented in public that they do not want to discuss about the issue because they do not want to split the blogosphere.

I find that amusing. Because i would assume they are taking the role of a management within the blogging community and as such, when issues arised within because of their very own Nuffnang, how could they not exercise the responsbility that come the role of managing the community?

Are they a responsible manager? In times of trouble, do they answers? Are they keeping mum because of guilt? Do they dare to send a representative and answer the public's concern? Do they even dare to hold press conference and assure the public of any doubt over their integrity?

Have they accepted everything's being said of them? Even if there were a slight untruth, are they even prepare to not to fight? Or there were so much truth that they haven't the courage to speak? Are they now showing the response of not innocent of any of those issues thats been raised? If indeed they were defamed, would they in the sanest of mind let all this pass by without a word of defend?

Some celebrity bloggers wanted to speak up for them but they refused any help. Why? What is the reason for refusing help? Are there anything we are missing out here? Everything will unfold even if everything is silence.

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To accuse this site of being the cause of Nuffnang's corporate behaviour is like the proverbial shooting of the messenger (of bad news)- Harry

No amount of media coverage or publicity can cover up for the lack of deliverance, in my blog at least. If any more friends (especially those with unique visits lesser than mine) ask me about Nuffnang, two words - FORGET IT! - Endoh

Maybe the person concern should reflect more on itself- Claudia

I got an ad this week! Can I boost earnings by asking more friends/visitors to visit my blog? According to Nuffnangs faq, What you earn depends on the number of Average Unique visitors you received in the week before your ad campaign is served. So by the time you know you got an ad coming, its too late to boost the stats. So play hard on your blog every week, not only on the week ads are served. That should keep you on your toes! - Anonymous

If a blog has lower traffic, we cannot ask the advertiser to pay fortunes for it. They pay based on how much traffic a blog gets.- Boss Stewie

... my latest Nuffnang Nike ad only garnered me.....$1.70 PUI!!!! Not even enough for Laurens daily allowance.- Honeymeow

An envelope also doesnt cost 20 cents, where do you buy your envelopes? If you want to charge $1.00, dont tell people its because of this and that, just charge it against their earnings. No one, except you, know how much they are making anyway. So why make the charge visible and risk the ire of the community? Consider that so many of the bloggers carrying your banner are giving you FREE advertising and at the same time giving you the means in which to make a living (without them you have nothing). - Entrepreneur | October 7th, 2007 at 8:28 pm

Labour includes time taken to print out the letter, verify the amount, pack it, and send it off. Labour is more or less subsidised and free in this instance. - Boss Ming

Whilst my peers are making money in comfy jobs in banks or consultancy firms, I have to rely on my family to support my mobile phone bill. Taking an allowance at the age of 24 is not exactly my cup of tea. - Boss Ming

In addition to this there is the postage fee, which by 1st local is 25 cents each (for a stamp). The envelope costs 20 cents each. This brings it up to 95 cents, which means 5 cents for the paper, ink and labour. - Boss Ming

Ive been hosting a Nuffnang banner on my blogs for almost 6 month. Until now I only earn RM1.40 from Firefly Skyscraper 2 which being displayed on my blogs from 01 Jul 2007 - 07 Jul 2007. I really don’t know why Nuffnang can’t gives me the good earning eventhough my blogs traffic is good enough - Anonymous

I also had quite a shock discovery in the past. I ran Nuffnang & Advertlets around the same time, interchanging their banner positions for experiment. 1 month later, while advertlets was earning RM100 (i did not do review for them), Nuffnang gave me only 20 cents! What a mystery. It still has not solved until today. Ppl say I didn’t earn much from nuffnang because of the low traffic but I doubt so. - Zul

With so many thousands(up to 10,000) of blogs *as claimed*, only a hundred or less blogs are selected to advertise. Where do the rest fit in? Nowhere. And so for 80-100% of the time, the remaining thousands run free advertisements for Nuffnang that screams at the eye 'I Serve Nuffnang Ads'. The waiting time is ridiculous and eventually if any, there is not enough Ads to get a Pay Cheque Out because of the minimum sum of $50 to withdraw plus the deduction of $1 for Administrative fee. - Molemole

Have you ever attended any Blog Parties organised by Nuffnang and got to meet other bloggers? Then again... most events (if any) are reserved for people 'closer' to Nuffnang's Co-owner aka Ming. You can almost guess who they are from the Feature Bloggers in the Web. They almost always appear at all Events and huddle together in one group that is almost impossible to penetrate or if you do, meet the hostile glare that says - we're in the middle of our own conversation and you're not welcomed, and you are made to look awkwardly out of place.- MoleMole

I have been using Nuffnang as part of my online monetization tools on one my high traffic blogs for quiet some time now and I am not at all happy with it! :-( I can’t believe that I only earned a pathetic Malaysian 0.30 cents from it. It is utterly ridiculous! I even made more money from Advertlets! I made the decision to totally remove my Nuffnang ads from my high traffic blog a few days back. -Homebis

Congrats on hitting 4k members. Having more members does push your operational cost up. But at the same time, the profits should be increasing at the same rate-if not higher. So if Nuffnang is able to increase their profits the same rate as their membership, then there shouldn't be any problems already. Right? But if Nuffnang is unable to increase their profits at the same rate as their membership, then I think even the $1 transaction fee isnt going to help the company in the long run. Is having more members pulling the company down? - Anonymous

Ming, if you have not get paid from advertisers, then will you return back us $1 when you finally get paid? - Sharon

Boasting about how much advertising they have to bloggers isnt exactly the right mentality to have. No matter how much advertisers you have, are of no meaning to blogger if they arent getting the adverts. Maybe applicable to high end blogs but please be sensitive to lower end. - Bupa

Please stay humble and not telling bloggers you have so much advertisers, if you really really have so much advertisers, then give us some advertisement!! - Cheeze

Ming - We have decided not to comment on the $1 issue, primarily because we feel it will divide the blogosphere and fan the flames of controversy.

Coward -Then why are you commenting here since you said your company decided not to comment on this issue? I see you commenting at several other blogs too. It seems to me that you are only commenting on your supporters blog and not your critics. Weird move I must say.

Timothy - Our clients welcomed us through the door and today we run campaigns for Maxis, DiGi, Honda, Nokia, Nestle, Uniliver, HUGO, Air Asia... you name it.

Coward -Tim, please stay humble, dont let these few adverts get into your head. You havent achieve nothing with these advertisers though i must say they are big companies. You should look at how those tail end bloggers are not benefitting from you doesnt matter you can attract the biggest company in the world

What is Nuffnangs stand? Are low traffic bloggers not worthy of any ads? If that is the case, why the 20 unique visitors limit? Why not raise it to 1000 unique visitors? The reason why this whole issue blow up to this scale is because nobody from Nuffnang came out to address the concern raised by the small time bloggers. Are small time bloggers not worthy a respond from Nuffnang? Is Nuffnang only for celebrity bloggers? Wait… I might not get a respond for this question too. After all, my daily traffic is too low.-Decay

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